Text Your Ex Back by author and relationship coach Michael Fiore teaches you tried and tested "texting formulas" you can send from your average cell phone to reignite the spark with your ex. Read our detailed Text Your Ex Back review to find out exactly how Michael's program can dramatically change your relationship and help you get your ex back.
Learn how to get your ex back using tiny texts sent from your cell phone
The original Michael Fiore Text Your Ex Back program was released to the general public in October 2011 and quickly became one of the most sought after guides for helping couples reunite after a breakup.
The idea of getting your ex back by sending tiny texts from your cell phone appealed to a large audience and Text Your Ex Back quickly became a major player in the growing trend of using technology to improve human connection.
While successful for many people, Text Your Ex Back was not without flaws which prompted Michael Fiore to integrate user questions and feedback into a brand new, totally revamped version being called Text Your Ex Back 2.0.
You can watch a review of Text Your Ex Back 2.0 by clicking on the video to the right.
The original program was a single, downloadable PDF, but the new version now includes 11 modules that have accompanying video, audio, and PDF files, all contained within a private member's area.
Michael Fiore has updated nearly every section of the program with more text examples and clearer instruction about which texts to send, how many, how often, and other "logistical" type questions some users were confused about in the first edition.
The major improvements of Text Your Ex Back 2.0 prompted Derek Maak who has followed the program closely since its inception and who runs one of the most popular Text Your Ex Back review websites on the web to say, “If you’ve been thinking about trying Text Your Ex Back, the system is now more advanced than ever and with Michael putting all the risk on himself for a full 60 days, it’s a great time to test drive his texting guide.”
He continued by saying, “Michael helps you identify the best memories from your previous relationship and shows you how to turn these into psychological triggers that elicit attraction and desire in your ex.”
The beauty of the system is that it’s all done using simple texts sent from your cell phone.
One other major enhancement of TXB 2.0 is a new comment feature that gives users the ability to help and support each other in a safe and secure environment.
Many men and women find themselves in an emotionally heightened state after a breakup and having the opportunity to openly express their feelings and talk about their relationship situation without judgement and without the fear of public scrutiny is a huge relief.
Text Your Ex Back 2.0 offers a support system that lets you know you are not alone no matter how desperate your situation may seem.
Inside the member's area you'll also find a brand new PDF containing 100 text examples you can use to send to your ex. Examples are given for each type of text taught in the program and the text messages are provided in a "template type" format so you can easily modify them to make them unique to your own situation.
You basically just fill in the blanks which makes it extremely easy for anyone who may not be confident or creative in coming up with texts on their own. All of the text examples are based on the techniques and principles Michael teaches inside the program and cover every situation from starting a text conversation with your ex to dating and getting back together again.
Texting gives you the ability to bypass your ex's rational mind and affect deep primal centers of his or her brain where you can influence attraction and desire. Not only that, but you can think about what to say before you say it which gives texting a huge advantage over phone or face to face communication.
Text Your Ex Back 2.0 Review Video
Text Your Ex Back 2.0 Now Available
Thanks to Derek Maak of Text Mate 2.0 for this great video!
Seduce your ex back into your life with text messages...